you never really see...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tiny-Pie, Aug 14, 2012.

  2. You never see anyone with square eyes from sitting too close to the telly x
  3. You never see footballers literally hanging in the air.
  7. You never see a bay owner driving like a angered mad person??
  10. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  11. sometimes , in car parks , ive seen dogs , all sort of dogs sitting in/on the drivers seat , like , just sitting there , never seen one start up and drive the vehicle nor , seen any canine on a drivers test route , (but i do live in expectation !)
  13. Umpa lumpa's.
  14. bay auto gearbox mounts ! (see my recent post!!)
  15. HEY , TINY -PIE , that would seriously crease me up , a dog on the horn button , bet its fun in supermarket carparks when busy ! everyone looking round !yup , good dog !!!
  16. haha it's really bad when i'm nipping home to run in the house and leave the dgs in the car... i'm inside and hear "BEEP,BEEP,BEEEEEP!!" run outside and its just muggins stood on the steering wheel looking straight at me... haha...

    yep he's a little monkey... ^-^
  17. Moons

    Moons Guest

  18. that little poorly donkey , well fine some people are caring for it ! , alongside was it a parrot? that peeps chipped in the money 4 it to be flown 2 Italy to catch up wiv it"s pals !! restores my faith etc etc ...........
  19. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    your reflection in that mirror do you stevie?

    it's a lately joke.....

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