Wiseman Goes Wild - returns - Tree Tapping

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by marowak, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. As many of you know Richard has been busy over the last few months writing his book 'I like it wild'.

    But we are pleased to announce that we found sometime at Vowo to make a mini episode.

    The proper episodes will return very soon too .....

    Lord Congi, Ermintrude, Mabel and 2 others like this.
  2. matty

    matty Supporter

    have been doing this for a few years it makes a great wine as well
    this is the method i use as it does less damage to the tree
  3. This is one of the thing i look forward to all winter and i do find birch sap very invigorating and its full of vitamins

    Really though you dont want to be trapping trees that small there still in the early stages of there life and need all the sap they can get
    Id tap a silver birch at least 3 times the thickness of that one used in the vid

    I make an incision with my knife and use a debarked greenwood stick with a groove cut into the centre instead of a straw
    A billy can or simaler sat on the floor underneath with a piece of cotton over the top allows the sap to pass through but not lots of bits of contaminats and bugs etc
    Once youve tapped a few trees you realise how much bugs love the sugary goodness as much as you do

    I try not to take more than a litre from each tree i tap and i bung the tree up with an oversized wooden plug that is cut off flush with the trunk after its been hammerd home
    If clay is available in the locality its good to use some clay to ensure the wooden plug is properly sealed

    Making sure you seal up the wound properly is a must otherwise the tree can bleed out all of its rising sap and die off

    So richard will we be seeing some birchsap wine being brewed next episode?
    matty likes this.
  4. Brilliant to have you back being wild
    JenW likes this.
  5. What Paradox says!

    I think this is my favourite episode so far! Good work Dan! :)
    paradox likes this.
  6. i was watching wood ants drinking brich sap in the woods the other day, they were falling off the trunk in a drunk like fasion:D we were copicing so thye were only falling from about a foot up where we had cut a old stool so no animal cruelity here!:thumbsup:
    paradox likes this.

  7. you say that every time .... there was some moments of brilliance in this one .... ICE CREAM - HOT WATER BOTTLE :)
  8. who knew... tree's bleed.... mmm tree blood x
  9. He does that because he has respect and i big yearning to learn and understand that way of living and i have massive respect for him pursuing it
    There was some good moments in the film im a lover of comedy outakes myself

    Im not a fan of being photod honestly
    but if hippy richy wants me to put forward a series of ideas of bushcraft related activitys he could do in a city then id be happy to devise and guide for him

    All i ask is if he becomes famous and rich because of my guidance and ideas he promises to buy me an old stone farhouse and a few acres of land lol

    I think richard and his interests are great and i cant wait till we cross paths:thumbsup:
  10. Told ya tiny i may eat dead and cooked wild animals but im always on mother natures side
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  11. :eek:
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  12. Only the basics then paradox?! lol :) You'll have to wait for my fictional book to sell millions methinks!

    Looking forward to crossing paths with you too!
  13. Your book isn't totally fictional - there are words on pages - I've seen them!
    Terrordales likes this.

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