WANTED Wiper motor for late bay

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by stewart kombi, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. anyone ?? Desperate, you should see my crappy set up. Sometimes I don’t go out just cos it might rain.
    Any help much appreciated :)
  2. Just the motor you need or the mechanism etc? I have a few........
  3. Hiya, just the motor. Everything else is fine
  4. Hi - what year is yours matey? I'll dig one out
  5. Nice one! my bus is a late bay from 1973. Can send a picture of the old motor?
  6. Moo


    I've heard a rumour, and maybe someone can clarify, that a mk1 golf wiper motor would do the trick. Maybe. :thinking:
  7. I’ve tried a bodged up replacement and it’s given me hell. All I’ve got is Rainex for now and it’s not enough , it’s stopping me driving .Just want one from a bay...help!
  8. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    I’ll take a look if I have one
    stewart kombi likes this.
  9. H
    Hey, of course, if you can pm me your email I'll get some pictures over to you. Cheers.
  10. Here’s a pic of my not working motor..looks good enough to refurb, but I haven’t a clue can barely wire it in. Managed a quick drive out this morning, but started raining now I’ve just got in. 9D371D15-885C-4BCC-8393-EC8BB840FAF6.jpeg 19530807-BB1E-43D5-BAF0-F4000114FED7.jpeg
    Lasty likes this.
  11. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    That’s not a Vw motor, I’m looking, just found a beetle one, will keep looking
    stewart kombi likes this.
  12. If Davidoft can't find one I can check the back of my garage - I've got one there as far as I remember.

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