Win a campervan link

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, May 24, 2013.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

  2. :) entered
  3. Me too. Very hard question. Blimey
  4. crikey, that was tough
  5. I was sweating a bit, but I'm quietly confident I cracked it in the end ...
  6. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    That was far to hard for me to answer. So I replied that I'd mule drugs for them in my money maker instead if they give me the bus.
  7. Rocket science!!!
  8. Ah, there's reasoning behind the madness. If they just let you enter without answering a question it's a lottery. If there is a question (no matter how easy) it's then a game of skill, which has different rules to which they have to abide.
  9. damn it cant enter! the maths question at the end was too hard :(
  10. are they including the steering wheel? the pulley wheels...i cannot deal with these choices...its too much...indecision is killing me...aaargh...what about the spare wheel too? OMG!
  11. matty

    matty Supporter

    i failed on the colour of the sky i put gray
  12. I nearly did the same, but as I am not American I was going to put grey :p

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