Wild camping

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Razzyh, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    I'm giving it a go tomorrow night...

    Does parked on a mates driveway fall into this category ;)
  2. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  3. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    Not tried that one yet - did someone fall asleep whilst working on their van?
  4. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Not yet, but the children spend half their time camping cooking and sleeping in my van in the garage :D
  5. Yes as long as you dont use hook up :thumbsup:
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    wild is free ;)
    ermintrude1978 likes this.
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    the last time we camped it was wild, i farted and the mrs went mental.
    moley76 and Razzyh like this.

  8. It only counts if you take a dump in his front garden :D
    zed and Razzyh like this.
  9. No it does not count... not even that guy on tv who supposedly wild camps on beaches and cooks stuff, as he gets a permit from the owners to be there and also to film.

    Wild camping is as far as i know technically illegal in your country, as it involves public areas not intended for this purpose, legal only in Finland and east Europe like Russia, Albania where normal camping facilities don't exist. and very variably enforced in practice in the rest of Europe, in fact I think UK and Germany are most strict about this. (apparently Mrs. Thatcher is to blame) and most of the others turn a blind eye as long as you don't push your luck. Some places it's grey area. I've camped in the center of Prague in the middle of August tourist season right by the river dividing the historical town, police patrolled by us about 5 times, nobody cared.
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I wild camp in the uk all the time - Scotland is good for wild camping too :thumbsup:
  11. I'm sure you can, i said technically illegal. I never camped in UK, infact never been with the bus, but from what i can gather it's not quite as easy to do as the rest of Europe. We might try next year as free is the only camping we do.
  12. I believe it is legal in Scotland but not England and Wales. Our local coach park allows wild camping for free, there are restrictions on the times though so the coaches can use it during the day. There were some russians using it a few weeks back though and they were there 3-4 days solid with an awning up drinking beer on a continual basis, I dont know how they got away with it.
  13. well they are Russians, who would dare approach them. :D

    That's another problem... it is apparently not only illegal to drive under the influence, but be in possession of car keys. I'm sorry, but I find that silly. Where am i supposed to put my keys when I have a beer then?
    dog likes this.
  14. Don't stick em where the sun doesn't shine cos they like to get their rubber gloves on ;)
  15. Apparently if you are in a campervan you can park and sleep wherever you like as long as you adhere to the parking regs (so if it says no overnight stays then you can't but if it says nothing then you can) as it is not deemed as camping and you cannot legally be moved on. However if you put any table/ chairs or steps out you are deemed as camping and can be moved on.
  16. I've done that one, but in @poptop2's van. ;)
    moley76 likes this.
  17. Ireland is fantastic for wild camping, we had a fantastic 5 or so years out there with the bus, once you get to know the guys in the local clubs, they share their favourite places to wild camping.

    My favourites were on the beach on the north coast, and a nice cliff spot we were shown where you could see 6 of the scotttish islands.

    good times!
    Razzyh likes this.

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