Whippo, 79 Bay Westfalia Resto

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by paulcolburnjackson, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. Not quite a paradox. Maybe next time around (after I'm retired, circa 2045)
  2. Hiya, Here's an update on my Resto if anyone's interested, still a work in progress, got the wiring being fitted this week, but paint is now complete. Had the Pop top done as well, but that is only temporarilt attached as I need to flock the interior. I dont want to show pics of the inside yet as it makes me sad seeing it in bits! Yes I am having a badge on the front, but it is still being colour coded. The colour is a ligt shade of Mango Green under Seagull Grey, Bumpers and grill coded too. Pop top is correct colour with some matting agent (but sill needs some stickers!). Interior is going to be Green and grey Vinyl.
    Paul Weeding, Fronkjunior and MorkC68 like this.
  3. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    He's gorgeous. This is the first time I'd seen him in his new paint. You must be proper chuffed.
    Have you had the LPG tank refurbd? & do you use it?
    paulcolburnjackson likes this.
  4. Very nice who painted it for you?
    paulcolburnjackson likes this.
  5. Hi not had it refurbed, but it is the only LPG bottle we use, I know that you can send them away for testing, or get new ones. They are really handy actually cos you can just fill up at the petrol station. Much better than a loose gas bottle. We are trying to fit the new Propex heater to it at the moment. Not sure about driving with it turned on though.
  6. Steve at Brick House farm near Eversley, hants did the paint. Dave King did all the body work (davethetrimmer) in camberley. They have both done an excellent job, it's really neat, looks like new!
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  7. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    They are handy. My issue is that a dude had a REAL big moment with ours in the States. It is probably the same as yours but anyway, you open the little valve to let excess air out until liquid flows? Then it's full.
    This fella had undone the little valve just a little too much & it blew out:eek:
    It took an ice age for the plumes of fumes to dissipate & the fire service were called while we waited.

    Luckily over there the propane filling areas are away from the petrol pumps but if that happened here, OMG.
    I'd love to use ours but I'm scared.
    Do I worry unnecessarily. What do you think?
    paradox likes this.
  8. Never noticed a valve, I'm sure that when we have filled it up we have never done that, just plugged it in and waited for the LPG pump to knock off automatically. Waiting for liquid to come out sounds a bit dangerous! You sure you've been doing it right?
    paradox likes this.
  9. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    Well that's the thing. They do it for you there. The new tanks have an air space or something & a float inside so you can fill them to 80% or so.
    I always thought these older ones were sort of free flowing so you could get full capacity. Look down on the lower left. From memory theres a little knurled knob with a red disc under it. I'm sure thats the valve.
    Ours used to take about 11 litres of gas I think.
    Yours must be different.
    paradox likes this.
  10. I will have a look next I go around to Dave's as it is there for trimming etc. My bus was part of a holiday rental fleet originally, I got some instructions with it, just checked them and there is no mention of a valve, just plug in and fill up. Maybe it is a newer tank being a 79 Bus?
    It did make me laugh the first time I filled up, I was waiting with £20 to pay the guy at the pump, it was a bit embarrasing that it actually only cost £3!
    paradox likes this.
  11. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

  12. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    To save any (my)! confusion, this is like my tank. The little valvy thing is just visible behind the fill port.
    We definitely got more than £3 worth in & it lasted a good 8 weeks solid. About 11l or 9 quid on average.
    I think they modded some of these with an autofil unit so maybe that what you've got..? Neil
    propane 2.jpg
    paulcolburnjackson and paradox like this.
  13. Cheers Neil, I will have a look next time I see the van. I don't recall seeing a valve, but that doesn't mean that it's not there! Yours looks in very good nick.
  14. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    Not my bus it was one of those quick google flicks.
    Ours is good but I know there are lots of surprises waiting for us when the time comes.
    Our Chip was originally Dakota Beige & that got changed to a sort of grey colour that Mrs Monkey liked.
    It's having a quick tart up at the moment & we'll be on it next week so I'll update our resto thread. Doing propex like you :thumbsup: so looking at tank options.
  15. Loving your colour scheme @paulcolburnjackson... can't wait to see what you do with the interior .
    paulcolburnjackson likes this.
  16. Interesting posts on the gas tanks as im hoping to fit an external tank to mine at some point
    paulcolburnjackson likes this.
  17. Very nice looking.
    paulcolburnjackson likes this.
  18. Ours was originally Mexico Beige (hearing aid Beige) so that had to go, it was blown over to dakota like yours but this had hidden quite a few spots of filler. These were all cut out and re-welded. Just had a look on Go westy and they supply a brand new gas tank that looks like the bee's knees. On my wish list now. Have a look, and it's in grey too!
  19. paradox likes this.
  20. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

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