FOR SALE wheels,starter and more to be added !!

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by 1973daisey, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. No worries- Just realised if you're in Worcester, probably a waste to post...
  2. Yeah I'm in droitwich !! Do u need the nuts and black caps to
  3. if you have them :)
  4. Ahh it's kolkkenolm. Thanks but I'll leave it.
  5. R these no good then
  6. Nah im not a fan of kolkkenolm panels, they are whaffer thin and don't fit well.
    Thanks for the pics and stuff though, cheers,
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    sold all my free oranges and have just transferred the money into your account for the starter.
    1973daisey likes this.
  8. When am I collecting the stuff?
  9. Up
  10. Up?
  11. Ah! Up to me, Okely dokely, I shall have a word with rugs for bugs and get back to yo.
  12. I'd like the rear bumper and the window frame, how much for the bumper?
    Problem is you're miles from me, don't 'spose anyone's bringing stuff down this way? :)
  13. Sorry bud when I type to quick that happens just lets no matey r u picking up wheels for Keith
  14. Sorry bud rear bumper £10 does need some work but no rust more panel beating and filler and window frame £20 £25 the pair as it's Xmas !! Distance bit far
  15. Yep.
  16. Pm
  17. Ive got to drop a Xmas card round to you tomorrow, shall i bung the dosh inside?
    But lets be clear, its for the wheels, not a gift from me to you :)
    1973daisey likes this.
  18. If Glynn collects it, i dont mind holding it until someones passing?
  19. Thanks, that would be really helpful. I'm a bit confused with all the locations, where abouts are you?
  20. Me and Glynn are in Burford, OX18, it would get it a bit more central :)

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