What's your favourite log?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Beaver, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. With Christmas just round the corner, forget mince pies and christmas puddings.

    'log season' is upon us ;)

    Where do you get your chocolate logs? Who makes the best? Thin chocolate coating or thick gnashe dusted in icing sugar?
  2. I make my own
    Clive Neilands and volkswombat like this.
  3. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Mmmmmmm, my favourite log is probably the Captain's Log, star date something or other...

    This is a good answer because some of the uncouth TLBers will just talk about poos...and we don't want that now do we?
    Clive Neilands likes this.
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I can't wait for Rick to reply to this!
    holmsen likes this.
  5. I believe the first Yule log ever made was in Logton, New York State, circa 1903. Constructed of cocoa powder specially imported from South America, it got its name because the baker, Arthur Crabthorpe, allegedly said to his customer "you'll love this".
    In the following years the Yule log was to be fawned over by New Yoikers in trendy coffee bars.
    Can I buy you a cwaffee?
    You wanna buy me a cwaffee?
    Yeah I wanna buy you a cwaffee, you want a cwaffee?
    Hell Martha, I'm only gonna take the cwaffee if you service the Yule log alongside.
    The Yule log is to die for Blanche. I'll get you the Yule log with the cwaffee.
    Oh my gaaad Martha, you're killing me here. Yule log and cwaffee. Damn.
    Moons and jivedubbin like this.
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    mr barrett beat me to my predictable answer.
    depending on the "ingredients" sometimes it comes out like nutella though.
    Poptop2 likes this.
  7. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Pointless down here, they melt in the heat.

    Awaits for @Top Banana Racing to come along & wish to smite me :p
  8. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    He left me in charge while he's asleep....

    Terrordales and jivedubbin like this.
  9. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    A burning one. :)
  10. The Boxing day morning one with a newspaper and a pint of vodka :)
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  11. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    This brings back painful memories of Home Economics classes at school and the Swiss Roll incident (said Swiss roll was to become Chocolate Yule log).

    Got the mix all sorted, put it on the flat tray, put it in the oven, checked the temperature (twice) set the timer.......went off to far arse about with plastic holly and little Merry Christmas sign, even loaded the aluminium mug thing with icing sugar, the bowl boiling with water in a pan underneath for the chocolate. I was sorted for stage 3.

    Should I have checked if the oven was level - I mean, why would and oven be not on the level?

    Suffice to say you can't roll a half biscuit/half sponge cake :oops:

    British cooking lost a potential great chef that day.....
  12. I made the Mary Berry log from the bake off Christmas special last year and might give it another go next week ready for the big day.

    I've been sampling a few supermarket offerings too this year in a kind of log review.
    Yesterday was Asda's extra special log.

    It was £3 and fairly tasty.

    Today it's Sainsburys....
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  13. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Its a dirty job but someone has to do it.

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