What's this tab for?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Adrian1975, Apr 20, 2021.

  1. Adrian1975

    Adrian1975 Supporter

    As pictured the electrical tab on the heater control levers, makes contact on a copper nub

    And what wire goes to it


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  2. I believe that it’s to turn on your aux fan that sits above a type 4 engine as you switch the negative so when you pull the lever for heat it earths out and turns on the fan relay but I could be wrong lol.
    Adrian1975 likes this.
  3. ^this. It’s the contact for the snail fan cable, that earths the line when the lever’s in a certain position.
    Adrian1975 and Iain McAvoy like this.
  4. Adrian1975

    Adrian1975 Supporter

    Ok that's great, I have a type 1 engine and no snail fan

    Thanks for the quick replies as always
    snotty likes this.
  5. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Now you have a project ..
    Valveandy and Adrian1975 like this.

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