What really gets under your skin??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scotty-1978, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  2. Coldplay
  3. People who think Coldplay are good.
  4. Jeremy Kyle.
  5. People who think a press of their hazards is better than a wave
  7. People who need help but are too proud to ask for it
  9. Singers who trill their voice whilst singing - basically every x-factor contestant and men who think it's ok to falcetto RnB on buses and trains whilst listening thrpugh headphones.
  10. People on cooking shows who are cooking some sort of soup or sauce... Then proceed to slurp it off a spoon, then return said germ infested spoon back into the sauce and give it a good ol' stir mmmm yummy!
  11. Chef..bloke Nigel Slater, I hate the fact he has leftovers in his fridge like quail...lobster....he really makes me mad...so mad...I do desperate things....like turn over :eek:
  12. The fact that every time I write the word fact or indeed a word with fact in it this stupid site changes it to capitals.
  14. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  15. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  16. people who thinks its below them to pick up their dog's poo
  17. I'd be worried if Dog Poo was above me! :thinking:
    Flying dogs is scary? >:D
  18. TV shows where the audiance are whipped in to a frenzy and cheere and whoop every time some " celebrity " or wanna be opens there mouth .
  19. That reminds me. Reality shows. And 'celebrity' shows with a bunch of people I've never heard of.
  20. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    on the subject of tv, it gets on my tits how, straight after advert breaks there's a reminder of what's happened so far

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