What exactly is a "Doghouse"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Imallowedout, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Been sat looking at my engine today in the sunshine and cleaning up some oil residue etc - then decided it would look nice with a new shiny fan house cover and came across the phrase "doghouse". Apart from the obvious canine connection - what is it?
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i've been in it plenty of times.
    Imallowedout likes this.
  3. Imallowedout, well if your in the doghouse you wouldn't be :D
    Imallowedout likes this.
  4. It's where you go when you've been naughty :)

    It's actually the bulge on the back of the fan housing where the oil cooler lives on later type 1 engines. Means that the cooler gets its own cooling air supply.

    As most "new" housings are crap and made by Chinese 4 year olds, I'd suggest you paint the one you've got!
    Imallowedout likes this.
  5. Oil coolers for single port engines sat inside the fanhousing and therefore took some of the cool air being pushed over the cylinders on that side. Oil coolers on twinport engines were moved further back on the top of the engine, so the airflow for those cylinders on that side weren't sharing their air with the oil cooler. Instead, an extra part was built on the back of the fanhousing, called the "doghouse", in which the oil cooler sits - it has it's own supply of cooling air ducted out of the fanhousing which, once it has gone through the oil cooler, exits out of some ducting and through the front tin into the hot zone.
    lost-en-france likes this.
  6. Damn I type too slowly. :(

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