Westy fridge cabinet. Are there screws ?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Lofty, May 5, 2014.

  1. Are there screws that go through the front of the cabinet and into the fridge behind ? I have holes in the cabinet that line up with some in the fridge but before I go ahead I wan to make sure that this what was originally done. Can someone with a berlin enlighten me, maybe a with pic ? What type of screws are they ? Is it just screws or are where cup washers as well ? Thanks
  2. There are screws that do go through the front cabinet into the fridge casing. I will a get a pic but it won't be until tonight.
  3. That would be great thanks. I know its a cheek but if you could unscrew one to let me know length I would appreciate it. It would save me putting a crew through the inner wall of the fridge.
  4. Three screws....


    Like this with cup washers....


    From base of cup washer to tip of screw is 30mm

  5. Brilliant. Thanks for the help.

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