WANTED Westfalia yellow plaid

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by issy, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Or ideally seat covers :)

    Or refurbishment service with the plaid for my seats. i think the repro material comes in two types? I think the best repro has the foam back stuff like the original but not sure. My derriere hurts sitting on the seat now...
  2. Mad Matz also do ready made seat covers and have a fitting/refurb service.
  3. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    you looking for front seat or bed, I have a rear cushion and the 2 covers off the rock n roll bed(3/4 width)
  4. Thanks.

    have emailed madmatz but not sure hich of the repo material they do.. i think there are two types and one type, the good one, has the foam thing on material just like original,

    davioft.. Basically one of my options is looking for original material to get seats refurbished locally so I guess any bigish sections would be good?
  5. aha.. Yes front seats ideally but not sure if these go back on to another seat too well?
  6. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    I would say you could probably get 2 sets ( 4 seats) worth out of the stuff I have, will give it a wash but its looks pretty good, will measure it up too
  7. What price have you in mind? Also can we check we're talking about the same colour plaid?

    Any news ref the folding table?

  8. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    just waiting for a reply on the table

    plaid :)

  9. yes that's the same colour :)
  10. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  11. Got to go awol for a little while tonight but interested in the material (how many bits?) and table but depends on price obviously :).
  12. got a price yet and any news on the table?
  13. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    no other replies on the table so that's yours, just stripping the material off the seats and gonna wash it to see how good it is, give me a day or 2 :)
  14. Hi

    Excellent :). Deffo for table but need to knowprice before can say for sure about plaid stuff.

  15. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor






    measurements are approx.

    76x 134 cm
    76 x134cm

    its all in very good condition, having measured it against my seats I would say you could make 5-6 seat covers from it


    I have green and blue too :)
  16. hi

    Thanks for the pictures.. Thought you meant you actually had front seat covers. I can't justufy soending that much I am afraid, and I am sure it is a good deal, it's just that would almost be half price of getting some seat covers made for me. I'm going to give those a miss sorry. i will have the talbes though? If you pm me Paypal I can get that sorted today?


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