Westfalia swivel table fitting positioning.

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by paulcolburnjackson, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Hi, I've just made up a new table top out of ply as I can't justify buying a real one. Got a new swivel leg and base from jk, but no instructions as to the actual placement of the base. Could anyone let me know where the pivot point is on theirs. This as a large table, but without the hinged flap. Cheers!
  2. Based on the sparse information I got online I have cut the table to 730mmm x 560mm, if that's any help.
  3. Which table support is it?
  4. Hiya Dicky, its the Westy repro from JK that sits in the bracket in front of the fridge on the Berlin (79)

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