Well it should be working by now !!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barneyrubble, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. I’ve been doing,, as told ,,, wash hands regularly

    How long do you think it will be till we can wash our knees ??o_O
  2. Jules65

    Jules65 Supporter

    The questions that spring to mind are:

    Why have you been on your knees
    Where were you when you were on your knees
    Were you alone when you were on your knees

    ......you may have to wash more than just your knees.
  3. I was on my knees looking up ............... the rules
    I was locked up
    Well two meat Rez
    Are we allowed I think it’s only hands at the mo.

    What parts are you looking forward to be able to wash ??
  4. I think it goes in a specific order - something like this:-


    If you want to remember it - you can make a little song up about it
    Surfari and Barneyrubble like this.

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