Water tank cleaning

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by icepug, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Cracking on with the resto now and although its a bit previous I've been thinking about the best way to clean out my water tank before I fit it. It's been of the van for ages and I obviously can't see inside it to see how clean it is. Don't really want to wash my dish and brush my teeth if the waters contaminated with god know what so I wonder what every one else did?!?
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    milton sterilising fluid for babies stuff
  3. Get some Milton. What you use for cleaning and sterilising babies bottles.

    Doh. Too slow. :)
  4. I use 'Miltons' fluid. I used to hate the smell but after using it with two kids I kind of grew to like it! One thing I dont like about my westfalia is that the water tank is hidden away. I preferred the set up in my other van with a removable container. Held a lot less, but easy to remove to fill/flush/clean.
    Neptuneblue likes this.
  5. Oscar...me too!
  6. I suppose the best thing to do would be to empty it if it hasn't already been then fill with a sterilising solution like that used for babies bottles. Leave a while then empty, refil with fresh water drain again and should be fine. I'm not planning to use the under slung tank on mine, as the pipes are split and tbh I've managed before with the water carrier I bought for my last bus. I will be removing my tank when I get chance as the bracket is breaking up too.
  7. So just fill wait n flush scenario
  8. Yeah, If its good enough for babies bottles ....
  9. Yes, you can buy fancy stuff for caravans...but effectively you'll get the same outcome with Miltons..just remember to flush :)
  10. Sweet. Cheers guys

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