Was this burgular after the keys to my bus?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by trebormint, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. I've not long had my Devon Moonraker back from being restored and, because I've not finished building my new garage, I've had to park it on a friends driveway. It's a long driveway set back off a quite road but insight of passing traffic. It's been there for about three weeks now but last Wednesday afternoon my friends wife caught somebody trying to break into their house through a ground floor window. She screamed and the scumbag ran away. Now we're thinking that my van may have attracted this chancer so I've just moved it to another friends secure garage but I'm thinking I may have narrowly got away with losing it.
  2. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Could be your van or was just trying the house for stuff.
  3. I guess the only person who really knows is the would be burglar. Glad your bus is safe now :)
  4. Hopefully the garage will be done soon and you can lock it away.
  5. I will never know but I had no intention of leaving it there any longer to find out. That aside I feel bad to think it may have been the reason for the attempt and it's left my friends a little shaken.

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