Wanted - fuel gauge

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by b0dyr0ck2006, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Has anybody got a fuel gauge for a '79?

    Mine is shot. Saw one on fleabay for £19, too much??
  2. i saw that on ebay to ive been looking for one for mine since i got it my mate gave me a prototype bay one i fitted it because i had nothing in there but its not right for the sender, it bounce,s all over the place they do fetch good money please let me know if you get offered more than one good luck with the search
  3. i think i have a nos one owen nw
  4. Why do you mean by a nos one mate?
  5. new old stock not repro il check owen nw
  6. Cheers
  8. heres mine owen nw
  9. I assume it's working and for a '79 or there abouts Owen?

    If so how much dollar do you want?
  10. its brand new NOS never been fitted i had it in a box of nos bits i got years ago , i assume its for a bay owen nw
  11. Quick search and that looks like a beetle gauge to me
  12. This is the one I'm after:

  13. Bump
  14. Anybody?
  15. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    nobody repros them, i have one but just gotta test it, pm me
  16. Pm'd
  17. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

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