(Waiting for) My new bus!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DriftingBear, Sep 14, 2012.

  2. Winter storeage?
    Cant belive your going to get it then put it in storeage?
    get out in it and use it ,it will be well solid coming from the states ,no need to store it :thumbsup:
  6. Fair enough , we'll be checking up though DB :)
  7. 8 weeks and counting... :arrggh: :'(
  8. Have you got a confirmed date yet?? Any idea where it is??
  9. Must be A nightmare at this rate you wont need winter storage ??? Have they not had the sails up :-
  10. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  11. It will appear shortly I'm sure........................Provided its not on a MSC (Mediteranean Shipping Co) ship.
    They recently had a fire on board on a ship called "Flaminia"..................absolutely full of dangerous toxic cargo.
    Fire broke out in mid Atlantic en route from Charleston SC, to Europe. Three crew died in the fire.
    It took Weeks (months) to get it towed to Europe.
    Now its docked MSC have declared "general Cargo", so that the poor shippers have to pay BIG $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to get their cargo.
    One poor guy had 8 classic cars on board, another young guy, returning from Uni. in the states has not even got his degree certificate.
    A bunch of Italian Shisters :censored: (I would advise everyone to avoid them at all costs)
  12. i d of thought it would of been here by now m8 ;)
  13. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

  14. I knew I could count on you guys to make me feel better!!

    8 weeks since I bought the bus. I'm sure it's close...

    If anyone sees any Somali pirates driving a yellow Westie around please let me know... or a bloke rowing a yellow Westie over the Atlantic... or a yellow Westie bobbing along in the Atlantic... or just a yellow Westie. Or just anything yellow will do.
  15. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    yellow westie you say :thumbsup: yep saw one today!!
  16. ok, so it wasn't here 39 minutes ago, but what about now?

    or now?

    oooor now?
  17. I saw a bunch of bananas earlier ... is that any good to you?
  18. Titanic :'(

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