Vegas Denver pics

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yorkshirecampers, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Ok so it doesn't feature any VWs (I did spot one solitary T25 outside a ranch in Colorado) but I thought you might be interested in seeing a couple of pics of my very tough business trip.

    I had to go to a conference at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas, and having never been fussed about going to LV was not entirely sure it would be my cup of tea - hotels and casinos? Boring.


    Vegas is the most AMAZING place in the WORLD. Just big and loud and flash and brash and crazy and mental all times 10000000. It's like nothing you can describe and nothing you can expect. And it has NO right to be there - it's in the middle of hundreds of miles of arid desert.

    I absolutely adored it. I'd run out of superlatives by day two and by the time I got to my helicopter trip was so speechless that I actually cried. Mainly because we entered the Canyon to the theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark, which was actually a close second behind taking off in the chopper to the theme from Top Gun.


    After the conference, I went onto Denver, Colorado for 2 nights to visit some family and stock up on gen u wine cowboy clobber for our forthcoming country and western camp (!!!)

    Hope you enjoy the pics, there are about a million more on my facebook if you want to add me for a nosey!

    Vegas Strip

    New York New York

    Bellagio & Ceasars Palace

    Fountains at Bellagio

    Venetian…as it says on the tin

    Fake sky inside

    Legends in Concert at Harrahs – IMMENSE

    Hanging with Elvis...or is it Shakin Stevens??

    Sundance Helicopter Tour

    Grand Canyon





    Colorado River going down to the Hoover Dam

    FABULOUS Las Vegas!

    .jpg" />

    Sheplers – massive Western Store

    Going out to the Rockies

    Up to Red Rocks – the best place to gig in the world


    Ole fashioned shopping strip

    Small child or large jaegermeister?


    Paley loves his present, now he can be a real cowboy

    And his other present, 36 inches of pure horn ;)
    (bit of a nightmare to pack to travel home with!!!)

  2. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Great pictures :) He's gonna look great in Benidorm in that ;)

  3. Nice pics ,is elvis pinching your bum :)
  4. So glad you had a good time :) :thumbsup:
    What are American pilots like,any good?
  5. Love the horn, we'll ignore the fact that you really shouldn't have brought it into the country ::) This now makes you a smuggler both into the US and into the UK - that's pretty good going ;)

    Fab pics, we took this exact same pic when we were in Denver
  6. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    some great pics Zoe, thanks for sharing them!!

    Jon looks very dapper in his shirt ;D
  7. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Nice pics, I've got the same Sundance obligatory chopper shot aswell, ours was #69 though ;D
  9. [​IMG]

    Why - all of a sudden do I wish I wasnt doing what I am. Theres gonna be some payback here! Sos! ;D
  10. Bah!!! :thinking: ;D
  11. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    glad you enjoyed it, best place in the world!
  12. Love the pics zoe, you missed off that mingin vomit breakfast thing you had haha :p
    Looks and sounds like you had such a wonderful time :) x
  14. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I hope you didn't sign up for Sheplers' mailing list?
    I bought a Stetson from them years ago and still get daily emails!

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