..unknown steering wheel..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by areksilverfish, Feb 18, 2023.

  1. areksilverfish

    areksilverfish Supporter

    ..hi does anyone know what wheel is that?..only seen it in bazillian bay and love it

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    nicktuft, Jaysparx and Lasty like this.
  2. I have no idea where it's from.
    I just know that I want one!
  3. Marty SmartyCat

    Marty SmartyCat Supporter

    +1 - definitely want
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    It might be a Momo Wolfsburg type 2, they did a few nice ones.
  5. It won't work in the UK, it's on the wrong side.

    Marzydj, rob.e, 3901mick and 10 others like this.
  6. It is a LHD steering wheel, so unlikely to fit our vehicles.
    Jack Tatty, rob.e and areksilverfish like this.
  7. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  8. areksilverfish

    areksilverfish Supporter

    ..it’ll defo fit mine tho which has the s/wheel on correct side
    scrooge95, Poptop2 and snotty like this.
  9. areksilverfish

    areksilverfish Supporter

    ..it’s in this bus here..

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    davidoft likes this.
  10. areksilverfish

    areksilverfish Supporter

    ..and one more pic

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    davidoft likes this.
  11. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Is it optimised for steering box play….I assume that’s why bays have two spoke wheels, to avoid catching one’s thumb when driving normally
  12. The horn button includes the sign of Wolfsburg city -
    But bay windows are build in Hannover/Emden (or Brazil or Mexico or South Africa).
    They typical have no Wolfsburg sign.

    The mirrors are a late T2c Brazil - the rest (too much customizing, may be)???
    But these Brazil have a more solid plastic steering wheel - with VW sign.

    May be not a VW steering wheel with adopted horn button from a beetle...
    areksilverfish and snotty like this.
  13. 550 brazilian reals is less than 100 quid so not expensive, but you'd have to pay to ship it over. looks like it only fits the "early" lates
  14. it’s super isn’t it? A bit pricey unfortunately.
  15. areksilverfish

    areksilverfish Supporter

    ..WOW mate..wish I knew portugeese
    ..WOW mate..how did you find it?..wish I knew portuguese..it’s defo not that pricey but shipping&customs hmm who knows..thx for heads up
    rob.e likes this.
  16. I messaged them yesterday, got an automated response but nothing since.
    I'm assuming it is in the CBA to deal with it folder.
    I'll update the post if I get any kind of reply.
    areksilverfish likes this.
  17. the gearchange is optimised for gearbox play!!
    Moons likes this.
  18. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    The pudding stirrer?!

    It’s one of those modern mind and motor skills trainers…..you furiously wave it with one arm whilst hanging on to the wheel with the other thus activating your core, shoulders and arms…..your mind races through various calculations such as closing distances of the cars on the main road you’ve just pulled out on and can’t find second….and verbal skills as you avoid calling the van the c word in front of the missus so invent alternates like money funkster.

    These things kept you young.
    Dicky likes this.

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