FREE Type 4 - EMPI two tip exhaust

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by allibus, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. A bit of a tale here; I picked this up Gratis from another TLB'er and it was looking a little worst for wear!:eek:

    So I set about cleaning it up ready for a coat of paint and it came up quite good :)

    However, it is a bit more worse for wear than anyone could have seen, as this appeared from under the surface rust :oops:

    the surrounding metal is sound, as is the rest of the exhaust. So if you are in need and want to patch it up it's yours :thumbsup:

    I'm now sorted for a zorst, the subject of another thread :p,

    pick up from Luton :D
    paradox likes this.
  2. This was the one I had 1st dibs on before. Can I get dibs again as pick up from luton is easier than gatwick
    1973daisey likes this.
  3. Yep, Gatwick was a bit of as trek. I'll PM you my address.
  4. Hi @Spacecowboyuk, I haven't received a response o_O

    If you are still interested let me know otherwise I can open up the offer to others. :thumbsup:
  5. Hi yes sorry been away. I can collect next week if thats ok? Be up your way around thursday
  6. Ok, no problem. see you then. :thumbsup:
  7. I'm going to offer this again as @Spacecowboyuk hasn't been able to arrange a pick up.

    He can of course shout if he still wants it :thumbsup: but I've been tripping over it for too long now :mad:

    Any takers? :)
  8. If its still in luton ill take it if thats ok
  9. Looks like we have a winner! :thumbsup:

    I'll PM you my address.
  10. goddamn it! missed it again! dibs if both above fall through!
  11. Ok, but it should be gone on Saturday :chewie:
  12. Between 12 and 2 ☺
  13. did this go?
  14. Yes, sorry mate.
  15. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Glad it went to a new home , enjoy
  16. meh, fair enough, glad it found a good home in the end!
  17. I do have an almost brand new, heat painted standard one if you are interested.:)

    Not free though :rolleyes: £100 picked up.

  18. If not it'll be in a for sale thread next :)
  19. thanks mate, but ill pass, wanting to go away from stock exhaust, plus need to save a bit lol cheers mate

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