Toys from your childhood you wished were real

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord Charles, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Kind of inspired by Birdy's Skoda camper ir reminded me of a vehicle I had seen on TV as a kid. After a bit of googling turns out it was this:



    Why hasn't anyone made this yet?
  2. any transformer a car/robot would be very handy.

    And is it wrong to say She-ra? :D

  3. [​IMG]

  4. when I was very young :)

  5. I'd like to see one of these on the school run...

  6. >:D :eek:


    I'm a bit more squeamish these days, though!
  7. What I wouldn't give to fly one of these:

  8. Or this:

  9. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Any of the vehicles from Thunderbirds

  10. chickaboo's

    i loved them!! wished they would be real, i know they're pretty much a tiny monkey but who wouldn't love a tiny monkey :p

  12. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Troy Tempest - great name :)

  13. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

  14. I think its an age thing as when we were young there wasn't much choice so any Gerry and Sylvia shows always got your attention.

    My personal TB Fave

  16. I wouldn't mind a Lightsabre please....

  17. or maybe x Ray Specs.....


    It'd be handy for stuff that isn't 'pervy' like.... err.... ah... dunno, but they would be handy somehow ;)
  18. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I think you are correct my Lord Charles, it wasn't until the Dinky Toy models came out I even knew what colours things were on TV. ;)

    The girl across the road had one of these, an Emma Peel Doll. I think it was the leather cat suit that got me interested >:D

  19. a stingray

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