FOR SALE Toyota Liteace

Discussion in 'Non Late Bay Classifieds' started by alanchester, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. davidoft likes this.
  2. looks in great nick! Bargain for the right person:thumbsup:
  3. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Is this an advert or just something you found whilst surfing the net?
  4. It's a good friend who is selling. I had mentioned it in a previous post at the weekend but felt it rude to hijack his thread anymore than I already had.
    Posted because it interested a few people already.
    Apologies if I'm breaking any rules.
  5. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Add some photos and a location and all is good.
    If not it'll get binned like any other advert.
  6. Full story in the link above but to keep the peace here are some pics and location details that I posted at the weekend.

    I've asked my mate for more details about the van but he is happy to share his contact details.

    Barry Clarkson
    Mobile No. 07917248010
    Van located in the Glasgow area.

    To get you through the day here some more pics.





    He bought it as he is in commercial vehicle business but he says it just not him, more of a sports car guy.
  7. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    alanchester likes this.

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