Today is Polar Bear Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Polar Bear Day celebrates one of nature’s most impressive hunters, and the world’s largest carnivore. When fully grown, polar bears can span an enormous 9 feet (2.7m) in height.

    It's also No Brainer Day but I hate that expression, so I went with the bear.

    bekyip likes this.
  2. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    My fact about the polar bear. They aren't white.
  3. I like this one Bern.
  4. :) i like polar bears my childhood teddy (which i do still love) was a polar bear however doesnt much resemble one anymore... since she has been squished and had her nose eaten by my old dog.... :) xi think theyrr lovely though...and coca cola are doing something to help save them at the moment aren't thay? x
  5. [​IMG]

    See she ain't pretty haha x
    bekyip likes this.
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I see Knut the Polar Bear, is now on display following his early demise at Berlin Zoo

  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    And fox's maybe :)

    Top Banana Racing likes this.
  8. The Coca Cola thing's really odd, as, despite all the hype, polar bears don't actually need saving. There's plenty of them.

    They're also extremely violent carnivores, so I'd resist the temptation to give one a hug ;)...

  9. just came across this :)
    TomEv86 likes this.
  10. haha mad as a box of frogs!
  11. Love the bear heaving itself out of the pool at 2:10 :)

    Wonder if the bloke's been eaten yet?
  12. A young polar bear asks his mum "Mum, am I a polar bear?"
    "Yes" replies his mum.
    "Are you sure I'm a polar bear?"
    "Of course you are son"
    The young polar bear then goes and asks his Dad. "dad, am I a polar bear"
    "Yes" says his dad.
    "Are you really sure I'm a polar bear?"
    "Of course you are son"
    Finally he goes and sees his Granny
    "Granny am I a polar bear?"
    "Yes" answers Granny
    "Are you really, really sure I'm a polar bear?"
    "Yes" says Granny "Why do you ask?"
    "I'm bloody cold!" replies the young polar bear.
  13. The old ones are the best :)
  14. How do you know what day it is???? (Please see signature.....)
  15. My iPhone tells me...
    Imallowedout likes this.
  16. Is there an App for that?!
  17. Is it like "What day is it?" App or something?
  18. It's part of the "Where am I, and who the hell are these people?" App :)
    Imallowedout likes this.
  19. Ha ha ha that made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like you Snotty!!!

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