Today is Near Miss day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Near Miss Day commemorates March 23rd, 1989, when a large asteroid missed the Earth by a mere 500,000 miles – a very near miss indeed! What would you do if an asteroid was about to hit the Earth – how would you spend your last hours, and would you even want to know?
  2. I would try to sort out the running problem with Ella
    Mrs Moosey and bernjb56 like this.
  3. If it was big enough to kill me I wouldn't want to know, if it was small enough that I might survive then I would want to know so I can panic buy and drive the camper somewhere secluded so I don't get stuck in the violence and panic that will ensue (Assuming only I would know and everyone else doesn't or else I will just end up dying in a panic buying supermarket queue)
    Sydney and Mrs Moosey like this.
  4. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    If it was small to cause panic I'd probably sit inside and watch it on tv. If big enough to kill us all I'd go sit outside and have a cider and fag, pop a cd on and watch.
  5. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    We could have 'TLB - the Final Camp'

    Where shall we go ?
  6. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    We'd need notice to get stickers done.
    Mrs Moosey, Mabel and bernjb56 like this.
  7. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    take a door of its hinges and lean it on its side against an internal wall, tell Mrs TW get get all the quits and pillows for filling in the ends then hide inside till it was over.
    hailfrank likes this.
  8. Best i can do at the moment
  9. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Actually I'd find the zombie thread and get the bus ready for the aftermath.
    Mrs Moosey and Mabel like this.
  10. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Through the scooter in back and that could be the snatch vehicle
  11. when you say the "snatch" vehicle - what exactly do you mean?
  12. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    There's a a couple of Misses around here I'd like to get near too :oops:

    Sorry dear, just waffling to my cyber friends, nothing for you to worry about ;)
    beatnick likes this.
  13. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    You'd better sort them, Horts isn't fast on his feet with posting now :eek:
  14. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Never know
  15. This is what I would do
    bernjb56 likes this.
    bernjb56 likes this.
  17. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Would a twin slider be an advantage or a disadvantage I wonder.......
  18. clean the bathroom and tidy the house, put the timer on for the hallway light and shut the curtains slightly like you do when you go on holiday..and have a lovely cup of tea.......and check the oil and tyre pressures on Madge...
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  19. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    just seen this thread - pheew :)

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