Today is Love Your Pet Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Here's Bilby having snuggles :) [​IMG]
    spongebob, 72wilma and Terrordales like this.
  2. We haven't got a pet yet, a puppy does however arrive in two weeks time :thumbsup:
  3. 'Fraid Lofty gets spoilt every I guess most pets do.
    That's wicked but made me laugh out loud.
  4. i still love my pet - a day doesnt go by I dont think about Mabel. Although next doors cat, a white hermaphrodite with one blue eye and one yellow eye seems to spend all her time in here now
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    No pets at the mo. :(
    But had a dog, cats, hamsters, mice, and guinea pigs that lived wild in the garden 6 months of the year.
    I'll get a dog soonish.
  6. My Emma and Billy the dog looking snuggled in his jumper! Hes Emmas dog but I think of him as my own:)
    Hes 13 and not very well has his good and bad days:(

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