Today is Lame Duck Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Lame Duck Day has nothing to do with injured animals; rather, it’s about giving some support and recognition to people who are on their way out – last term’s political leaders, people who’ve been promoted or are moving away, and anybody who’s ineffective in their current position because their time is up.

    The trouble with this is that all political leaders seem to be ineffective but they aren't going anywhere :(
  2. I work with loads off them useless lazy gits who only like to work to their hours.
    Can I call them lame ffffDddddducks today.

    And the wife who works for the local the council who seems to keep the ones that don't do nought but they have been their for years so must doing something.
  3. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I think you're describing the entire school system I was working in Bern.
    Definitely describes MPs of all political persuasions as well as local government officials.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  4. There's only a couple at my place. The current one is very trying and unfortunately sits next to me, I've come close to snapping a few times :mad:

    The previous person to have her job was awful and didn't realise what it would involve. It took a year to get rid of her during which she was allowed to apply for every job going, it got to the point that she didn't do anything other than complete applications! The mad thing is she got promoted, she came in at Christmas and admitted she didn't realise what new post would involve! WHAT??? Read the job spec gggrrrrrr. I wonder how long our replacement slow coach will stay for ??:thinking:
    bernjb56 likes this.
  5. I know you said it wasn't about injured animals but i couldn't resist. :D

    Mrs Moosey and vanorak like this.
  6. ^^^^^^^ aww that's sooooooo cute[​IMG]
    daniel_son likes this.
  7. I hope @damagedduck doesn't take this thread personally. :theforce:
    damagedduck and bernjb56 like this.
  8. i would prefer a retro , duck a l'orange , or crispy errm i could be on the way out though :oops::hattip:
    bernjb56 likes this.
  9. I packed up a Govt. job many years ago due to my inability to get my head round why so many people were employed to simply do nana, Turn up ,get paid, only way you could be sacked was if you decked a boss or copped a serious criminal record,it was god damn pitiful .It was gold plated pension, 6 months full pay if u pulled a sickie . 2 hours paid time to go do your christmas shopping and on and on the gravy train went.....that is where some of your tax goes >nice work if u can get it?
  10. the private company I used to work for had a line manager that did 4/5ths of f*ck all...he was moaning about the state of his office chair around the same time as we had a 'team meeting' to come up with a new strap-line for the company...(it was a fait accompli, as the management had already decided on one, but thought it'd be great for us drones to feel a part of the process....for four hours:rolleyes:)

    Anyway, at lunch time, these all-singing, all-dancing executive chairs were delivered for the managers' offices....
    When the meeting was resumed, I put my hand up and volunteered a strap-line.........(Company name) "Reclining that extra inch"

    it wasn't well received:D
  11. I hope @damagedduck doesn't take this thread personally. :theforce:

    Why just because I have a bad knee? ;)
    bernjb56 and oscar like this.
  12. I'm here for you mate.

    But only today, tommorrow your on your own.
    damagedduck likes this.
  13. [​IMG]Reckon they have a few in here

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