Today is Hot and Spicy Food Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Archaeological evidence suggests that people have been using hot spices in cooking for over 6000 years, proving that no one lets a little heartburn stop them from eating their favorite foods.

    Or it could just be Curry Night at your local :)

    What is your favourite spicy dish?
  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    any curry really, my best ever spicy dish was a vege thali served to me in a little shack in Panaji in Goa, India. me and mel had one each plus two drinks each and it only cost us £2.50
  3. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    We are having Thai for dinner, starting with chicken satay sticks followed by Gang Mussaman & a Green Curry with boiled rice.
    I like all spicy foods 8)
  4. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Not that keen on hot currys but a hot chilli con carne is good.
  5. Every night is hot and spicy food night here. Chillies chopped up in salad. Chillies on pizza. Pork and vegetables with scotch bonnets (a current favourite). Spinach curry with whole dried bird's eye chillies. Chakchouka (eggs poached in tomatoes and vegetables with harissa). Chicken curry with whole green finger chillies and lots of cardoman pods. Bombay potatoes. Mmmmmmmmmm :)
  6. Anyone tried chilli beer - not for the faint hearted!

    Do you have a room for rent in your house Owen as the food sounds great?
  7. Spicy food day, just what we need with the cold weather!

    Like a bit of spicy food myself, but not so spicy that you can't taste the food. I can't stand these people who try to prove their manliness by eating super-hot raw chillis.

    I love a bit of Thai food - when I lived in Southampton there was a really nice place opposite the theatre in the city centre called the Thai Cafe that did a nice thai green curry. In Birmingham we are blessed with the Barton Arms, which if anyone is ever in Birmingham I would recommend. It's an old pub that still has all its original features, real ale on tap, and a Thai restaurant in the old lounge bar. It's in a bit of a dodgy area (Newtown) but it's well worth a visit.
  9. Loved all the hot dishes that we had in Thailand a couple of years ago.
    Like a nice King Prawn Madras or Jalfrezi.
    Going to Vietnam and Cambodia next week and can't wait to try their spicy dishes. ;D
  10. Mmmm got me thinking about dark chocolate with chilli
  11. Curry neet tonight! Game of squash, pint afterwards after ordering a Garlic Chilli Chicken. Home with a glass of red - yum.
  12. That's decided. We're having a takeaway from our local. I'm not a fan of very spicy food, but everything we've had from there so far has been delicious. :)
  13. mulligatawny soup for me tanight :)
  14. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

  16. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I'm sort of regretting scoffing down so many satay sticks last night. :-[

    Not game to move to far from the loo :lol:
  17. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    We don't let a day go by without at least one meal with chillies or some over hot spice.
  18. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  19. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I liked posh spice not ginger spice though !

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