Today is Clean Out Your Refridgerator Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Although it has been rumored that Clean Your Refrigerator Day was started by the Whirlpool Corporation, the origin of this event is lost in the mists of time. The day is a great reminder though, that, to function effectively, our kitchen appliances should be cleaned out once in a while.

    Refrigerators can be one of those kitchen appliances that are taken for granted. They keep food cool and prevent it from spoiling. We only notice them when they fail to work or if a foul smell starts emanating from the interior every time we open the door. Food we bought weeks ago can be lurking in the back, uneaten.

    So, don your rubber gloves, fill that bucket with warm water and get cleaning. It won’t take long. In fact, a couple of hours will probably do it. The ‘fridge doesn’t even have to be turned off. You’ll thank yourself later.

    What's lurking in yours?

    Sick Boy likes this.
  2. Just bought a new one - couldn't be bothered cleaning old one out
    mgbman and bernjb56 like this.
  3. Working in a 'restaurant' in High Wycombe I got £5 extra for agreeing to clean out the meat fridge. Lot of money in those days but, Jeez, I earned it!
    bernjb56 likes this.
  4. I have a old Australian client ,she mailed me to take her old fridge to the skip ,I phoned he up to say I will come now ,knocked on the door and she and he husband was cleaning it within a inch of it's life...:D
    mgbman, Poptop2 and bernjb56 like this.
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Do I have to? :(
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I'll get the staff on to it over the weekend.
  7. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Today really should be "Learning how to spell refrigerator corrrectly day" :)
    mgbman, bernjb56 and Terrordales like this.
  8. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I don't think he can blame spellchecker for that one. ;)
    sANDYbAY likes this.
  9. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Bang to rights your honour :lol:
    sANDYbAY and Razzyh like this.
  10. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    How very strange, only this morning I cleaned out the office fridge, with items dating back to 2015
  11. Try cleaning a works freezer, weird bags of stuff, is it soup? Sample for the GP?
  12. There was a case in Galway where a guy hid a body in a walk in freezer, it was in there for 5 years before someone decided to clean it out and found the body.

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