Today is Cereal Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    John Harvey Kellogg served the first breakfast cereal during the week of March 7, 1897, to patients at his sanitarium in Battle Creek, Mich. He and his brother "invented several foods made from grains, which were forced through rollers to make long sheets of dough. Called away while cooking wheat one day, when the brothers returned the wheat seemed overcooked. Funds were tight so they decided to put it through the rollers anyway, and as each wheat berry was flattened it emerged as a thin flake -- they had accidentally invented 'flaked' cereals, and the Sanitarium became famous for its wheat and corn flakes" according to the Western District Historical Society's pamphlet, "A Flakey Patent Case."
    Favourite ones ?
    Lord Congi likes this.
  2. Sorry cant do them at all!!!!
  3. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Sugar Frosties, when I can sneak them past Ms. T :D
  4. Coco pops but they have to be soggy, crunchy nut cornflakes a bit of both, sugar puffs completely dry... :)
  5. Fruit and fibre. Really like it and it's good for my innards .... ;)
    And little shredded wheats full of blueberry goo. Yum.
  6. Frosties :thumbsup:

  7. Crunchy nut cornflakes with ice cold milk.
    Lord Congi and Lord Charles like this.
  8. Today I will mostly be eating Special K Red Berries cereal, yum :D
  9. The basic flakes, puffs etc are good for you, Weetabix is one of the best (and still not matched by the 'Own label' types).
    The stuff they feed kids has more chemicals, processing and additives than you can possibly imagine!
  10. I second Crunchy Nut
  11. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Porridge or weatabix for the win :thumbsup:
  12. ^^^^^ THIS!
  13. And museli with yougurt not milk
  14. Not sure about Muesli, you do get a lot of Rat turds in that.
  15. I love cereal. My faves are chocolate mini weetabix, cheerios (and any supermarket own brand versions), granola, muesli.
    I like to mix up a few different cereals in the same bowl and also like adding fruit such as blue berries / cranberries etc.
    Only cereal im not keen on is sugar puffs and shreddies.
  16. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Hello, off to pub as we cant be arsed to cook.

    Lord Charles likes this.

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