Today is Camera Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Joseph Niépce was a French inventor; he is most noted as one of the inventors of photography and was a pioneer in the field. He developed the heliograph; a technique used to produce the world’s first known photograph in 1825, the view from the window at Le Gras the families estate.

    In 1839, Louis Jacques Daguerre took the first fixed image that didn’t fade. He is recognized for his invention of the daguerreotype process of photography. He became known as one of the fathers of photography. His method required 30 minutes of exposure. He named the process – the Daguerreotype. Tintypes were developed in 1856 by Hamilton Smith and decades later, George Eastman invented flexible and unbreakable film that could be rolled. This was the birth of the first Kodak that was offered for sale in 1888.

    In 1925 the Leica I went on sale, the Leica’s immediate popularity spawned a number of competitors. Kodak released its Retina I in 1934 though 35 mm cameras were still out of reach for most people things would soon change with the introduction of the inexpensive Argus A in 1936. The Japanese camera industry began with the birth of Canon in 1936 with its 35 mm rangefinder. Japanese cameras would soon become incredibly popular in the West after the Korean War as veterans and soldiers stationed in Japan brought them back to the United States.

    While conventional cameras were becoming more refined and sophisticated, an entirely new type of camera appeared on the market in 1948. While TSLR and SLR were still the rage this new camera would change the way people would capture memories. This was the Polaroid, the world’s first instant-picture camera, no development needed. Known as a Land Camera after its inventor, Edwin Land, this camera was able to produce finished positive prints from the exposed negatives in under a minute. This new camera took the market by storm; people no longer had to sit still for long periods of time in order for their photographer to snap a picture.

    The first digital camera that was commercially was sold in December of 1989 in Japan, the DS-X by Fuji. In 1991, Kodak brought to market the Kodak DCS-100, the beginning of a long line of professional Kodak DCS SLR cameras that were based in part on film bodies. It used a 1.3 megapixel sensor and was priced at $13,000.

    And look where we are now :eek:

  2. The speed camera was soon born after.
    Sorry had to get that one in.
    bernjb56 likes this.
  3. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Does this mean I can buy more photographic equipment without Ms.T getting irate?
    I object to that cartoon, I may wear Crocs BUT I DO NOT & never will own a selfie stick. :mad:
    bernjb56 and Merlin Cat like this.
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    No one's perfect. :D
    Rustydiver likes this.

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