The Cherokees Are After Me

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PIE, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. PIE


    What do you reckon, project in progress.


    Lofty, Merlin Cat and MorkC68 like this.
  2. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Are you gonna put an engine in it to push that old bus along? :)
    72wilma, Lofty and Merlin Cat like this.
  3. I suppose it solves the problem of jacknifing the trailer when reversing?
  4. Love it:thumbsup:
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    IMO that's going to swing out if you turn sharpish into a side road and hit the next car who won't be expecting it, or maybe a car coming the other way - is it legal?
  6. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    It can't swing out can it? Looks to be fixed at two points to the back.....

    I may be wrong of has been known....
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Not wildly as in out of control. Imagine it didn't have a wheel, but totally rgid to the van like an extension, which in effect is what it is.
  8. I see what you mean. It would swing out like a big overhang at the back of a large lorry would swing out.
  9. PIE


    I sort of based it on the old American Allstate Trailers from the 70s but in a Honda Vision sort of way.
    Lasty likes this.
  10. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Is the wheel solid it does it rotate?
  11. PIE


  12. PIE


    It rotates, it is the front wheel off a Honda Vision.
  13. I like it cos it`s different and you still have one wheel on your wagon and you are still rolling along.....:thumbsup:
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  14. I've seen two or three of these in action, not as wild as you'd think, weight carrying is a bit restrictive and opinion is they may fall outside the new trailer regs? (Although if you claim it's an ancient one that's been rebuilt, it's almost impossible to prove otherwise)
  15. BTW I really like it! :D
  16. PIE


    My plan Monday is to put some vintage type gusseting around the tow arms to make it look less agricultural, The jury is out as what to do styling wise, the frontrunner is frame the same colour as the van as if it was all the same colour it would look a bit his and hers twee, white panels that I may or may not sticker bomb, any suggestions would be good though.:thumbsup:
  17. PIE


    Plus me ass end has drooped, the van is lowered but the rear has headed south for the winter over the last few years, I was going to lower the front to match but I like the handling as is so I may well up it a spline at the back, funny cos it is only down one spline so it will be back to the original position so in effect it has lowered its self
  18. :D what you going to put in it then ? big heavy stuff or light as a fairy type stuff ?
  19. PIE


    Fairy stuff, BBQ, deck chairs, boogie boards, wet suits, awning,scooters,windbreak, table, buckets and spades, I have built in some roof rails so surfboard on top maybe bikes.
  20. PIE


    Don't seem too wild

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