
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by flashar, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Been in for 8 hours tattoo work today to cover up one i had done nearly 18 years ago....ouch ..I forgot how much it hurt in the last the hour or so.... :eek:
    oxiderenegade and sjhjoinery like this.
  2. image.jpg
    chrisgooner and minirob like this.
  3. Here it is..took the cover off...very swollen:burp:
    steveagain likes this.
  4. Nice tat Flashar ,great use of colours(imo) got my Ist in 1990 ,was painful ! came to adding the name underneath, 50p a letter and 18 letters versus way 2 sore and me a tighter than 2 coats of paint jock>>> so we compromised on> I bought one of tattoos studio"s t-shirt and name(my then missus, now x) was shortened to 4 letters ?Whew ! great tat thou ,in fact ,divorced 20 years ,I still got it ,is on my back ,and I paid for it !!! A tat aint just for Christmas,and all that.

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