T2 bulkhead deluxe trim

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by Gary Kenna, Sep 30, 2022.

  1. Hiya

    does anyone know where I can get a set of these (4 pieces)?

    looked everywhere

    like in pic - thanks in advance !

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  2. I've got a few boxed up from when I did my bus.
    I know that I've got more then 4 but not whether there's a full set.
    They're certainly not in pristine condition but could probably be fixed up with a bit of effort.

    If you're still interested I can see about getting some pics sometime in the next few days.
    They used to occasionally crop up on Ebay.
    scrooge95 likes this.
  3. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Places like FBI VW, Megabug may have them. Parts Emporium list everything they have in stock on there website too.

    Chad's suggestion of eBay is another port of call & a wanted ad on here may bring some to you.
    Gary Kenna likes this.
  4. Hi Chad, that would be amazing if you could take a look to see if you have some :)
  5. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    I have a complete set, pm me, I’ll get some pictures
    Gary Kenna likes this.

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