WANTED Swap my 3/4 width rock n roll for your full width

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Russbmx, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. As the title says
    Iv got a 3/4 rock and roll bed that I was planning to put in my bay when it's done but Iv now decided I want a full width bed instead.
    So if anyone fancies a swap, give us a shout!
    I'm located in Eastbourne

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
  2. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  3. Sorry I should have said.
    It's a metal frame one that has 2 bits of ply on it.
    Il see if can find a pic of it, if I can't il take one tomorrow :thumbsup:
    davidoft likes this.
  4. I apologise for the s#%t pic!
    Il dig it out from under the stairs tomorrow and take some better ones
  5. You're keen, christmas tree up already!
    Russbmx likes this.
  6. W
    We're festive all year round :lol:
  7. Here's some better pics of the bed
    I also have a set of foam that I was going to use with it that I will no longer need.
    Originally made for a type 25 but it was never really used so it's like new!
    Covers all have zips and a stocking like material on the foam to allow the covers to move etc.
    The lady that made them said it cost her well over £300 for all the materials.
    There's also a piece of foam for a buddy seat that needs covering. The material was bought from ikea and they still sell it. If someone wanted to swap beds and foam that would be ideal ;)








  8. ^^^^^^^
  9. Hi, is it a rusty lee?
    If so I might be interested, but not got a full width to swap:/

    Wouldn't need cushions either
  10. Sorry for such a late reply chap!!
    I'm not sure if it's a rusty lee one or not to be honest but it looks pretty much the same so I think it could be!

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