Suggestions on alternative way to mount Dashboard fan

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dean_butler, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Hey Guys
    We are doing an Italy trip in the summer and taking the van abroad for first time. I was advised to get a fan as it gets very hot and luckily a friend had one and said I could have it. I dont want to permanently fix it to the dash or make holes in the dash.
    Was wondering if anyone had an alternative idea that maybe they had done or seen before? pictures would also be useful. My first thought is to mount it on a clip that then clips somewhere like the ash tray????

    This is a couple of pics of the fan I got given :)
    photo 1.PNG photo 2.PNG
  2. do you have a under dash tray mate? you could mount it to that? Im making my own one and may start selling them on here if people like them?
  3. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Hey Bruce, this bottom tray?
    Might need to be up higher to face level to be more effective?

  4. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Im thinking so far. To get a second ash tray and make holes in base of that and screw to that? Dont want to damage my one as its in nice condition.
    If anyone has a spare they want a couple of quid for?
  5. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Lord Congi likes this.
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    ^^^^ That was going to be my suggestion. Those fans are very popular down here & that's the way most of them get mounted.
  7. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Ah thats good to know. Have you ever seen any good ideas where people mount them on a camera flash type mount where you can slide them in and out when not using?
  8. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I saw something similar at a show a few years ago, the bracket was a permanent mount over the grill but the fan body was clamped (I think) onto it. I'm not 100% sure & I never took a picture of it.
    Having said that most of the ones out here are permanently fitted to the van, even if they aren't used for a couple of months of the year.
  9. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    We've bolted ours onto the top of the dash through those holes. You might have to remove the VW speaker first. It's also a lot easier to get to if you take the stereo out to do the nuts up. Pointing the fan straight back through the bus you get a nice cool airflow past the driver and passenger. It can also be taken out and the dash returns to stock.
    dean_butler likes this.
  10. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Thanks buddy. Over here its only needed for about couple of weeks in the year :)
    Terrordales likes this.
  11. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Thanks Sandy. Do you have any pics of how you have done it?
    We don't have a speaker there so that's one less problem :)
  12. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Dean, if I recall correctly the whole assembly was made out of aluminium, it was definitely a "home made" job. Looked neat though.
    dean_butler likes this.
  13. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Thank you buddy. Will keep my eyes open and keep thinking how could do this. Its all fun :)
  14. dean_butler likes this.
  15. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Lord Congi likes this.
  16. Plus its blue :)
    dean_butler likes this.
  17. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Haha lucky chap. Never seen a green one only metal and blue.
    Lord Congi likes this.
  18. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    That's how my tach is mounted. ^^^
  19. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru


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