FOR SALE Stuff for sale following garage clearout & will take to techenders!

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Robo, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. Okey dokey fella
  2. Hi Robo, would you mind posting, if not I'll have the pulley and to make it worth your while making a trip to the post office I'll also take the scat oil cover with the free sump plug(do like something for nothing he he!!!) might be interested in the westie tie down thinges as they look similar to the tie downs on the gates of my crew cab. Let me know how much and how you want payment.
  3. Sorry I'm not posting as I don't have any wrapping stuff & going post office is a nightmare which is why I've stated all items are available for collection from my gaff or techenders!

    If there's anything left after techenders I may consider a trip to the post office!
  4. Can you stick my name on the shocks please Robo.....will be at techenders so will collect from there. Thanks.
  5. Ok mate no worries am in Spain at the mo so don't think wifey would let me go to techenders, pity as just looked back and quite fancied the window winders as well. Good luck with sale.
  6. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    Happy to bring anything down to Hemel Hempstead if that makes life easy for anyone.
  7. Someone else has previously expressed interest but you are on second dibs if they decide not to have them
  8. Top man Razzer . Seems there are plenty coming from all corners of the country so I'm sure if your interested in anything just ask here or over on the techenders thread if anyone can bring em back for you!

    Everything is cheap as chips so I don't have to go post office
  9. I'll take the hella indicator lenses if they're still available? Can you post them?
  10. Sorry rob me not doing postman thing this is for collection from techenders pal, sorry!
  11. Thanks rickyrooo1
    Robo likes this.
  12. Thanks will have the shocks please, yes going to techenders and will pass on the kiss.
    Robo likes this.
  13. Don't get me drunk , I'll end up buying the lot

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Geordie and Robo like this.
  14. Drink Drink Drink!
    paul2590 and Robo like this.

  15. I'm still chuckling to myself that no ones snatched my hand off for these
    vanorak likes this.
  16. It's not a full set that's why, you need 8 for the big money.
    Robo likes this.
  17. I have two, if you want the full can have them for a ton:thumbsup:
    Razzyh and Robo like this.
  18. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    @Robo I'll have #13 Scat Pulley and #16 Cab bunk please, to collect at Techenders.
    Robo likes this.
  19. Silent gliss track please. 17 i think and third dibs on shocks please (lol)
    Robo likes this.
  20. Scat pulley & cab bunk are yours
    Kruger likes this.

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