Stocking fillers for late bay owners

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DriftingBear, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. Any suggestions for handy little stocking filler presents for the late bay owner? Things that are really useful that you'd always keep in your van...
  2. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

    Build your own split screen camper in a box... :p I have a fleet of them!
  3. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    An emergency mobile phone charger with lots of different sockets to fit all mobile phones.
  4. matty

    matty Supporter

    no more mugs in the shape of a split PLEASE
  5. can I add VW camper calendars to the NO list. One is enough but what can I do with 4 each year.
  6. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Dear Santa,
    Anything remotely "VW" branded is off my list please.
    Any money boxes, calendars, mugs, salt / pepper pots: please give to someone else.
    Many thanks
  7. I got a split mug for my birthday, also all my cards apart from one had splits on. I know it's VW, but don't card makers do Bay cards or are people buying them ignorant to the difference?

    Also, why not get a build your own VW camper kit? Only thing is they are E-arly ones. On second thoughts, how about something NOT bay related? Thats what birthdays are for.
  8. A membership to the AA. ???
  10. Welding wire ;)
  11. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

  12. Gaffer tape in the colour to match your van
    Touch up paint pot
    wet wipes
    Warm socks
    First aid kit
    Glow sticks
    Fairy lights
    Eye spy classic cars or on a car journey book
    Spare bulbs
    Plastic wine glasses
    Marshmallow and kebab skewers
    Tent pegs
    Travel scrabble
    Bin liners

    Bek - this looks more like a shopping list.
  15. Thank you my little elves!
  17. Bottle opener ;)
  18. A canned chocolate pudding.


    I didn't even know these existed until recently, now I won't leave home without one.

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