Step Families

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Honky, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Today is step families day, so today I dedicate TLB to all those not just stupid enough to have their own children, but have taken it to another stage of stupidity and have taken on someone elses too.

    Here's to you Step mothers, step fathers, step children and step dogs.
  2. I've got a rehomed dog, a rehomed cat and five rehomed they count???? :p
  3. Cheers !

  4. Honky

    Honky Administrator

  5. Definately a hard job - all step parents have my respect - your own are hard enough!
  6. I've been a step father to my two girls for 17 years. They have been a joy and I have to say I didn't find any of it particularly hard.

    They are now both beautiful grown up girls that have flown the nest and we miss them like mad (even though they only live 5 minutes away) :'(

    So we replaced them with two rescue Westies instead :smiley_dog_kiss:

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