WANTED Some stuff for my 71 crew cab

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by icepug, May 28, 2013.

  1. I'm after 2 x door seals, engine lid seal, rear bumper for crewcab and a very long shot, a rear cover for the loading bay area.

    Door seals I think are all years but the other bits are EB specific. Just though I'd try my luck
  2. covers are very hard to find mate. they sometimes come up on ebay but it's probably cheaper to measure up and get one made.
    Tiny-Pie and icepug like this.
  3. twas my thinking
  4. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  5. What's that? Excuse my lack of knowledge
  6. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    It means the panel behind the rear bumper/ below the engine lid can be unbolted and removed, the seal is different if it does
  7. Go to your local tarp makers, lorry side curtain makers etc.

    Mine had mine in for a few days and made to measure.
    Just don't get fitted the plastic strips like I had fitted, they break off after a cold winter. They were supposed to OG ones.

    Went to a local machine shop and got some hoops made up to support it. Had 7 done for the back you can just see it coverd with a bit off pipe laggingm makes it nice and tight
  8. Davidoft, here a picture of the back. Looks like its removable but I do not have the van here to check as yet

    Attached Files:

  9. rusty driver, mine already got buttons fitted to the van so I will get them to copy these
  10. Don't forget some crossbars to support it.

    If not when it rains it will make a mobile swimming pool.
  11. crossbars stitched into the cover itself?
  12. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Looks like a removable valance
  13. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Yup it's removeable , prototype bay type , does it have narrow 5 hubs and disc brakes?
  14. They look like narrow 5's to me. Not sure about the disk brakes tho

    Attached Files:

  15. Nice pickup that :thumbsup:
    Ive got that type of cover on mine, I can measure it up for you if you like. Never thought of using pop studs.
    There arnt any cross bars for support. you'd have to make them I think....
  16. p.s You'll need the brackets for the bumper too. I'm not sure how it fits on an prototype bay but in the late bay they have a big lump of plate with a bit of tubing welded on the end. Ive got the bumper off mine at the moment so I'll take a pic for you tonight
  17. bluething, sweet pics would be good!!!
  18. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Late bay and prototype bay bumper irons are different and I think crossover ones are different again
  19. yeah on the earlys there is 2 seperate bumper irons (one with a tow hook, think its the offside one) there was a couple on ebay recently..
  20. nothing is ever simple is it

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