Some old Stanford Hall pics....2010?

Discussion in 'Show Event Photos' started by Booner, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Just came across these, 2010 I think?...thought they're worth sharing, cheers:)
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  2. [​IMG]

    My dream car :cool: The only Porsche I like :thinking:
    Colin and Robo like this.
  3. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Dint yer see this minter that was there last year then, it's the best car iv'e ever seen :thumbsup:

  4. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    How vain am I? I flicked through the photographs hoping to see my van and then realised I've never even been to Stanford Hall. :(
    Lord Charles, sjhjoinery and vanorak like this.
  5. he he, I did the same then realised I didn't buy mine til 2012 :D

    Nice pics tho :thumbsup:
    sANDYbAY likes this.
  6. I was there looking to buy a van, clueless as to what I was looking at. Nothing's changed apart from I have a van now. :)
  7. just thought it's worth another post....:cool:
  8. Can't wait for this year :) Hopefully the weather is as good as last years but minus the bit where I burn my head o_O
  9. We didn't bother last year went to a farm park for the weekend instead due to only 1 night camping at Stanford hall, not sure about this year yet!

    Would be worth a trip to have gander at your new ingine tho :D
    68_early_bay likes this.
  10. We always try to get to this one, the atmosphere is really chilled and somehow it's never really got too big for it's boots like some.
  11. We did enjoy it in 2012 and agree it was very chilled in fact we spent most of our time chilling in the camping field :)
    Booner likes this.
  12. We generally try and go every year too - couldn't go the year it moved because of the flood, but have been every year since we bought the van apart front hat one. It's always been good for auto jumble, although like all the other shows, the sinister grip of the VW tat stalls has crept across the trading field like a multicoloured plague.

    Apart from that I always really enjoy going. :D
  13. el


    My old bus at the top.i miss him :(
  14. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    come back to the fold!
    your van from that pic/day was on a campervan calendar from last year.
  15. el


    I'm still into the vdubs,but just havnt got a t2 at the mo.

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