SOLD - Type 4 Alternator

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by EggBoxes, May 5, 2019.

  1. Type 4 alternator, never did get a type 4 engine for it.

    Not sure what these sell for so as TLB rules £70, or offer.

    Southampton will post.

  2. Can anyone tell me what engine this is likely to have come of e.g.. t2 type 4 or t25 watercooled.
    I am going to stick it on eBay best if I can say what it fits.
  3. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    Looks like the one on my type 4 t2, don't know if it's the same on t25 @davidoft will know.
    EggBoxes likes this.
  4. Looks like it's T2 Type 4 engine.
    Googed and they come in 55 and 70Amp, sliver part number plated polished away so no numbers left to tell which.
  5. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  6. 77 Westy

    77 Westy Supporter

    It’s a T2 55amp Type 4 alternator.
  7. 77Westy has first dibs.
    77 Westy likes this.

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