Sit back, relax and read .....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by marowak, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. .... as today is Book Lovers Day.

    So besides the Haynes manual - what is your fav book of all time and current fav?

    My all time favourite is a book called KITCHEN by a Japanese author called Banana Yoshimoto.
    I also enjoy musician biographies ....
  2. Favourite book of all time - Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca - I first read it at the age of 9 and I try to read it at least once every year.

    Current favourite... I'm not sure - I do enjoy Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series

    I have to have a book with me at all times - if I'm in danger of finishing one during a day I will carry two... :)
  3. Have you been down and around Fowey Jen? The beach where a lot of the action takes place (don't want to spoil it for potential readers) is there. As is Manderlay (Menabilly). And allsorts of other points of interest. A great walk... Love Du Maurier.
  4. Fave books are Douglas Adams Hitchhiker series, followed by his Dirk Gently series. Then Tom Sharpe's Wilt and his South African ones, then Terry Pratchett's discworld series. Then all of Asimov's, Spike Milligan's, Roald Dahl, A C Clarke's, Phillip K Dick. Tolkien's LOTR etc. In fact too many to mention. Loved Pillars of the Earth. Great novel even though I am not into this kind of book. Also liked Soldier Sailor, tinker tailor etc. I've also read most of Orwell's, Homer's Ulysses and Iliad etc and other classics. Fave classic novel would have to be Tom Jones.

    Worst book - Harry Potter. dreadful book. But if it gets kids reading then its a good thing.
  6. My favourite book, is any of the Drenai series by David Gemmel, Currently reading IT turns out its not about 'puters after all!
  7. Nobody Gets out alive is a great read. about Jim Morrison. currently reading the Steve Job Biography which is also interesting
  8. arghhhh Favourite is a bit tough
    I love round ireland with a fridge by tony hawkes
    and harry potter
    and phil gayle is great

    changes all the time depending what i'm reading ( call the midwife by jennifer worth is great)

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