Show us your pets

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hailfrank, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Sorry for the late reply

    hes just a bit mad when he was a pup he was running in and out the back door,missed the door and hit the wall breaking his shoulder.

    we had it pined back together(2.5K) then 6 months tater Xmas day he jumped in a river with no water in it a busted it again so the vet had to take is leg off.

    That was 6 years ago now but hes OK.
  2. My beautiful girl Poppy (of course it has to be a red themed name ;))

  3. My Dog Willow!

  4. Wrigley and Fidget, affectionately known as Wrigley Roo and Fidgey Fanny Foo Foo! After a good trip out on a "dubble date" (another new name for the bus) ;) Not related even tho they look as though they are. Rescued a year apart and now they run our home (and our hearts)!
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    We have a new dog (under protest from me i have to add) it's a little rat dog thing, my mrs thinks millie is a bit to much of a handfull so decided she needs a small one..... it's a patterdale yorkie cross she says, and it's called poppy......
  6. Shes lovely wont take up much room in the van either
  7. Zero (bassest hound) and scraps (border terrier) a couple of days after getting scraps



    spiker likes this.
  8. omg scraps is gorgeous

    ricky good luck with Poppy, if she's got any patty in her you'll need it :)) she does look beautiful though
  10. These were my three :( , plus son whos a tad bigger now, just toying with getting another.
  11. Lovely. You must get another.....
  12. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell


    millie has given up trying to stop poppy getting in her bed


    although poppy likes the sofa as well!
  13. Looks a right character rick just like her dad ;) :))
  14. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    Cookie 8) cat

  15. Here's Tilly before her haircut


    And after


    And I made a new dog from the leftover hair :)

  16. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    ^^^ :lol:
  17. Beau the Giant rabbit
  18. My dog loves me, she'll sleep anywhere near me or on me ! Weirdo
    She does like the pub though
  19. Here is my dog Djock hanging out in my 57 bus.....

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