Sections of used windscreen rubber wanted.

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by exuptoy, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. As per the title, I am looking for an offcut of a used windscreen rubber approx 24-30 inches (2 x 16 inch or whatever). I want to offer my screen in place so I can guestimate the position of my front panel (when I get one) and my inner windscreen panel. I hope to get the pieces of rubber cut into 8 x 3 to 4 inch long pieces and slide the screen into them to get myself a finished position for the lower seam. I know others have gone to the extent of getting me pics and measurements (and I totally appreciate it) but I am just doing this to get it spot on.

    I cut mine out with a stanley and it has long since been consigned to the bin.
  2. No one have any offcuts then?

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