School sports...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Moons, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Yeah, I had some weapon do my nose, cheekbone and eye socket with his elbow in one game...he could sell t shirts to my many loving fans online...
    Louey, jivedubbin and Poptop2 like this.
  2. AS I had the benefit :oops: of a convent education it was shinty (like hockey or hurling only evil) played on gravel (usually in the wind and rain) with flat shinty sticks and a wooden ball. The only rule I can remember is no hitting above the shoulders (that's the head then Sister :rolleyes:). Team that with gym skirts, trutex top and bare legs for an hour and a half I'm sure it's made me the woman I am today tuesday_wildchild
    jivedubbin, Moons, art b and 5 others like this.
  3. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Christ there's a lot of egg chasers on here!
    Football, basketball, badminton , table tennis, volleyball, athletics.
    avoiding being chucked in the pond, dodging turnip showers from the remedials when they were doing gardening.
    Went on a couple of PGL holidays with secondary school in the 70s, did all sorts on them without risk assessment :thumbsup:
    jivedubbin and 72wilma like this.
  4. Went to a posh public school so lots of rugger, hockey and cricket and communal showers...
    jivedubbin and fritt like this.
  5. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Cold showers I hope! Builds character dontcha know! :thumbsup:
    Ours was a Comprehensive, although not too rough. It was mainly football, which I had zero talent for so never interested me, and still doesn't to this day. I played Hockey in the winter, winger so scored the odd goal. There was Rugby of course, Basketball, Netball for the girls,Tennis and Cricket in the summer, athletics all year round. I wish I'd played rugby, for the school team that is, have enjoyed watching it ever since THAT match between the Barbarians and the All Blacks. In later years played a bit of Rugby League at Bradford Uni :thumbsup:
    jivedubbin, Moons and snotty like this.
  6. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

  7. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    Girls grammar school, so it was netball and lacrosse in the winter, and then tennis and athletics in the summer. Occasionally we'd use the gym, but I think that was probably only when the sports field was under 4 inches of snow. A bit later on, there was the option to play hockey instead of lacrosse - an option I took as it didn't involve people hurling solid balls at my head and body from wooden sticks with nets on the end.
    By some miracle I managed to make it onto the netball team (Goal Shooter coz I was tall), lacrosse team (in Goal, again because I was tall, and apparently stupid - although I called it 'fearless' at the time :rolleyes:), and also the hockey team (Left Half, no idea why, I was lousy at running). Oh and I represented the school at Javelin. I think it was all largely due to me being a little hoolie / mouthy gob5hite for most of my early years there, and the teacher's thought that if I was occupied with 'team games' I couldn't be causing trouble anywhere else!
    In 6th Form we got to go 'off site' and play squash... a sport at last that I was actually rather good at (and frequently beat my PE teacher :D)
  8. I actually loved my cricket and played it for decades after leaving school. I now coach U15 cricket in the summer as part of my job and do a lot of umpiring.
  9. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Rugby in Winter.
    Cricket in Summer.
    I got excused from both because I was a danger to everyone. :D

    Then they brought in hockey and skiing as winter sports, I ended up on both teams much to the astonishment of the sports master.
    jivedubbin and scrooge95 like this.
  10. Football ,football and football ,even break and dinnertimes football...

    Loved my stock's filling the massive concrete bath before we went out in the mud n snow it winter ,we all got in the bath boots and all ,drying yourself with you shirt and shorts cos you did'nt have a towel..:hattip:

    rugby in the high school..(the league one)
  11. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Two words I've not heard in a while....Trutex (we all wanted doc martins and stay press) and in gym day, Skidders.....
    jivedubbin likes this.
  12. we had a swimming pool at our school,one lad continually forgot his trunks week after week till eventually Mr Fish the sports master made him go naked ,I kid you not .
  13. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Surely that's inmate number 456123 Fish....
    jivedubbin likes this.
  14. now you come to mention it
  15. Rugby League in Winter, our head of PE was an ex-professional player.

    Shot-put, Discus and Javelin in summer - I was useless at running apart from the 100 yards so virtually staying in one place made sense.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
  16. Might have something to do with the fact that on the pitch they try and smash the marmite out of each other but when the ref says something they stand there and take their admonishment like a schoolboy - afterwards everyone is (seemingly) friends again, not like modern day footballers. Having played rugby and mostly been an armchair supporter of football I may be slightly biased :)
  17. I was meaning more of the demeanour after a game - seen an awful lot of trouble when rugby clubs go out on the town - wearing a club tie was almost a warning sign..............
    If its after a rugby match its usually dismissed as high jinks and letting off steam, but you'd be jailed if it happened after a football match!
    Phooey likes this.
  18. Day


    Cross country run or football..but..

    We had a 'pervy' games teacher who liked to watch us boys in the shower and make lewd comments.

    Hence I always 'bunked off' games.
  19. You've got a point there, when a rugby tour rolls into town there is usually some sort of carnage unfortunately.
  20. We had a huge choice at our school. Which comprised of football. I went to a boys school in Catford, SE London and a few of the lads went on to become quite famous. I however loathed school and managed to not go that much due to having a job. In the last two and a half years of school they didn't even ring or write to my parents to see where I was. That wouldn't happen these days.

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