replacing push rod tubes and seal

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Diddymen, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. I've decided to replace my push rod tubes and seals - seals because they are leaking and tubes because they are rusty so I thought it easier to replace them rather than spend hours cleaning and repainting the old ones



    are there any differences in quality of push rod tubes ? ....which ones should I go for

    I'm a bit nervous about stripping too much from the engine as it was running really well .......3 years ago :D .....but I suppose to change the tubes I'm going to have to take the heads off. If I remove the heads I guess it will no doubt disturb the barrel gaskets to the block :rolleyes:

    I have an Elring gasket set and have noticed there are barrel gaskets with it - but are there gaskets between head and barrels?

    I dont really want to remove pistons from the barrels case I cant get them back in (I suppose I could borrow a ring compressor and I'm being a wuss :D ) .....but can I leave the pisons in the barrles and remove the lot from the con rods to remake the barrel gasket?

    I was also going to use blue Hylomar as the gaskets look a bit thin - is this right

    any advice as always appreciated :)
  2. The pushrods and tubes slide up and out of the head without removing it. That's how it is on a 2 ltr anyway. I replaced mine, after digging out four ton of silicone my dad had put there last time.

    I now know why that was there. The seals don't seem to do their job very well.
  3. Type 1 heads you just need to pull the head off 15 mm or so so you can get the tubes in ,

    Can't remove barrels and pistons together , just pull them off and deglaze new rings if going that far .....
    Diddymen likes this.
  4. I replaced a leaking tube with a plastic extendable one 60k ago. Saved removing the head. There remains a leak so small as to be unimportant.
  5. The tubes I bought from GSF were fine. Type 1, just take the heads off. Leave the barrels & pistons alone, if they're ok. There are no gaskets between the heads & cylinders on a type 1.

    You'll need an accurate, low-ish value (up to say 45 lb/ft) torque wrench to do everything up again.

    Straightforward job, no need to panic ;).
    Diddymen and paradox like this.
  6. I agree. Think I used Empi Gold tubes. Not leaked so far and really easy to fit!!!

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