Replacing Devon Hammocks

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by mrguiro, May 6, 2015.

  1. Has anyone tried replacing the fabric on Devon hammocks? One of ours has a small tear in it and although they seem strong enough, the kids are worried about SND (Sudden Nocturnal Descent). It looks like the material is riveted on along the length so removal and replacing looks like a fairly big job.

    Any thoughts?

  2. I think you basically have to remove the bunks (about 8 bolts) might have to drill the rivets all out too. Pull the bunks out without smashing your windows from the inside..
    Then I think the material will just slide off the poles and you can use it as a template to replace them.
    ... I think
  3. We have just re replaced both of ours after our restorer ruined the he had put in. definitely need 2 people to hold the bar in place during riveting and open the back window to slide the pole out. You need a channel each side 1 for the rivet bar and 1 for the pole.
  4. Thanks all, and any suggestions as to replacement material?
  5. We've used a canvas fabric not a thick one more like heavy curtain weight. Working ok so far.

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