WANTED Replacement hob/grill for sink/hob combo

Discussion in 'Non Late Bay Classifieds' started by Bumblebee, Aug 26, 2014.


    Hi all,
    I have a sink/hob combo which is many years old similar to the pic below and the burner/grill is rusty and crusty. So looking for a replacement burner/grill that I can put on the existing sink unit. Can be any manufacturer i.e., Fellows, Flavel, ABI etc.


  2. New or used?
  3. I don't mind Dicky, just as long as both the burners and grill work and the unit is not rusty
  4. Will have a look what I have. Are you going for seperates ie a sink unit and a cooker?
  5. No mate, keeping exactly as the photo shows, just replacing like for like. Cheers
  6. Sorry I misread.
  7. Got one of flebay so all good. This advert can now be deleted

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